Where We Work

We work across 8 Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) cities.

Kampala, Uganda

Kampala, Uganda

Tiruchirappalli, India

Tiruchirappalli, India

Following development of draft tools, we conducted two rounds of cognitive interviews in Kampala, Uganda and Tiruchirappalli, India.

We supervised implementation of the survey with approximately 1,000 women in each city.

Dakar, Senegal


Meherpur, Bangladesh


Tiruchirappalli, India


Narsapur, India

Lusaka, Zambia


Saidpur, Bangladesh


Warangal, India


Kampala, Uganda

In our current Phase, we are deploying the refined tools across 8 CWIS cities to measure each domain and subdomain of empowerment.

Data from these cities will provide CWIS partners with a baseline assessment of empowerment for their programs while allowing for additional validation of the survey tool in these new contexts.